This Minnesota State Park, another of our favorites, is located ten miles south of Red Wing on Highway 61. The park is located high on the limestone bluffs, affording beautiful views of the Mississippi as it widens to form Lake Pepin.
We had another wonderful trip with beautiful weather. However, we did break down and run the air conditioner in the camper for an hour or two on Wednesday evening. We spent time in Red Wing, the old town of Frontenac (which was a luxury resort after the Civil War for high society people from as far away as New Orleans and St. Louis), Lake City and Wabasha.
We have a favorite butcher shop, Huettel’s, in nearby Lake City and so had a steak medallion dinner on Tuesday night. We also had a pork chop and asparagus dinner as there was a local farm stand selling strawberries and asparagus. The pork chops were bought at Meatheads in Red Wing. Obviously, we really are enjoying the Weber Q. So far it has been easy to stay true to our goal to buy local produce and meat for our trips.

Paul stayed alone at the campsite on Monday evening as I went back home for a previously scheduled dinner with my investment group and to act as a chauffeur for Suzanne as she wrote her boards on Tuesday. She is so glad to be done with that test! I dropped her off at 7:30 a.m. at the test site and headed back to the park, arriving there by 8:45, just in time for another cup of coffee. The park has great hiking trails along the bluff lines and there are great overlooks all along the river throughout the area. We walked, read and took in the views. I can honestly say we are catching up on our rest.

And then, of course, there is the bird-watching.......
We do spend a good share of our time watching for birds and identifying the wildflowers we find as we go out on our hikes. There is an open field between the park office and the campground which is perfect habitat for bluebirds. We saw so many during our stay there. Paul also spotted a bald eagle, another common bird in the area, and an indigo bunting, which I think is even more beautiful than the bluebird.

So, we will be "taking a break" before we plan our next trip. We have some ideas in mind, so you'll here from us soon!