Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good Times!

The good times just keep rolling down here in Venice! Beth, Gary and Al joined us out in the jungle for a bratwurst supper last Saturday after Paul and I made a trip to the "Geier Sausage Kitchen." That place is like shopping for groceries in Europe.

We went for a bike ride in and around the state park on Sunday and came across a turtle sitting on a nest.  Can you see her?  She wasn't too happy with us when we stopped to say hello!

Later that day, we went to the civilized portion of the world. Kent and Margie had the group over for dinner to watch some football game on television that evening.  Here's Kent being the perfect host and asking if he can get us anything.  You can see his grill steaming in the corner.

Look what we had for our dinner! Let me assure you the turkey tasted as good as it looks.

Yesterday, Paul and Al went out to the Venice jetties to throw a line in the water. Just to prove they have not been completely skunked, here is a catfish Al caught.  He said, "Great. I came all the way down here to catch a bullhead."

We continue to laugh often. Talk to you soon!


Marlys said...

Oh, how I love to read you posts! I especially enjoy seeing you all wearing short sleeves and shorts outside! It is bitterly cold here, and the blizzard yesterday was a doozy! It warms my heart to see the pictures and to know that some of my loved ones are enjoying the heat and sun! That turkey looks amazing - did he cook it on a spit? Mmmmm!

Lisa's Yarns said...

I agree with mom - the pictures warm my heart. It is ridiculously cold here! Boo for winter coming back!

Kent & Marge are such great hosts. As are Beth & Gary. I love their greyhounds made with fresh squeezed grapefruits. :) Mmm...