Sunday, February 7, 2010

Orchid Madness

Saturday morning found us at the Venice Orchid Society Show. Huge displays by local growers and orchid clubs were set up in the community center.

Paul can tell you the names of different varieties of orchids. Words like Oncidium and Cattleya

and Dendrobium.

My personal favorites are those like the Lady Slipper, which is Minnesota's State Flower. That kind of orchid is a Paphiopedilum and the picture below is of this variety.

There are so many different colors and types of blossoms in the orchid world.

They are incredible.

The warm-growing of this variety have mottled leaves. Our lady slipper is of the cold-growing type and green leaved.

I think there are more orchids fans down here because they grow so easily in this climate. 

Because, while we were trying to enjoy these beauties, we were jostled by orchid zealots. You'd think they were fighting to get autographs from a rock star. It became too overwhelming for us to remain there. I'm glad we took these pictures so we can look back to enjoy!

We drove immediately to the beach to walk and be away from the crowds. It was extremely windy out there yesterday, but at least we weren't arm wrestling with people. Personally, I could watch birds all day.

Someone I know bought two baby orchids on our way back to the camper. I think he might have forgotten we are not here permanently and have to get this stuff back to Minnesota. Oh, well. Back to living in the moment!


Lisa's Yarns said...

Here's to living in the moment! That is so cool that Paul knows so much about flowers. I could learn a thing or two from him. I couldn't even keep the peace lily alive that I took home from Grandpa Rudy's funeral... I had to send it home to my mom, the green thumb.

Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing! I must say - one of them reminded me of the scene from Dennis the Menace where that rare orchid opens up in front of the garden society and Dennis totally steals the moment. Love that movie!

Marlys said...

Those orchids are so beautiful! Too bad you couldn't browse and really enjoy them! People are crazy everywhere you go, not? It's good you have the beach to relax at. There is just something so therapeutic about a body of water! That is why I love the lake! Enjoy the moment!

Abby said...

Those orchids are absolutely gorgeous!! You guys are so fortunate to see so many beautiful sights!!!!

Freely Living Life said...

Stunning flower photos! Thank you for sharing them with us. :)

Yemyes Info said...

Heello mate nice post