Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a nice weekend here at the Geier Ranch.  One of Paul's orchids burst into bloom on Saturday.

It is so pretty and fragrant. We are just getting organized in the gardening department. I hope by the end of the week to have my patio pots planted. I don't know what we've been doing, but we have yet to accomplish this task.

We had a great lunch with our good friends, Randy and Ari. They coaxed us over to Minneapolis to the Loring Kitchen & Bar for brunch on Sunday. Even Paul, the true blue St. Paulite, enjoyed the outing across the river. He is mellowing in his old age.

Randy was my work partner for seven years and he still talks to me! We had lots of laughs together.

We also had a family gathering at the Simser's.  Joey, who is in Navy Seal training was able to be home for the weekend. The opportunity to spend time with our favorite member of the armed forces made for a perfect Memorial Day.  I am bummed we didn't get a group shot or even a picture of Joey.  However, we did manage to get a few pictures of Haley.

We hadn't seen her since Christmas! What a delightful little personality. She wasn't sure what to think of Great Uncle Butch.

He can be one scary guy!

Paul and I made smoked salmon and steelhead trout in our smoker on Sunday evening and were pretty happy with our first attempt. We will post the recipe after we have made it again.

 We were too focused to remember to take a picture!!!

Auditions for the summer show have cornered my concentration.

Last week we auditioned 100 children and this week we have three nights of auditions for the adults. It is fun to get back to "work".

The camper is patiently waiting for us.
Other than one short trip in two weeks, we have nothing else planned until August.  We finally moved most of our clothes back into the house.  Sigh. 

I'll talk to you soon.


Lisa's Yarns said...

What production are you doing this summer? I'd love to come again - had so much fun when I went to Fiddler last summer! :)

Sounds like a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Aside from the 6+ hours of driving on Saturday & the awkwardness of the wedding, mine was pretty low key!

Marlys said...

That orchid is the most beautiful one I have ever seen! Paul must be a proud parent! Bravo! Good luck with the auditions! Hope to see you in the not too distant future! June is very busy here but am hoping July & August are better.