Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Life in our AluMINIum CondoMINIum

Life has slipped past quickly this month. We meant to post more frequent updates, but failed. So, we've placed some of our pictures from the the last three weeks in a slideshow. The song that accompanies our pictures is "Living in Aluminum" from the album "Trailercana" by Antsy McClain. How appropriate for us as we live with our Bauxite Betsy.  Enjoy!


Marlys said...

Home Sweet Home! Those flowers are so beautiful and I could almost smell them! The beach picture is gorgeous! Enjoy - winter is rapidly disappearing!

qwerkyqook said...

looks fun! The snow is back in MN. Makes the beach look even better!

marybeth said...

Great post! Love the music..along with the beautiful photography.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Love this! I think my pulse slowed watching this. So... apparently running a circus was uber profitable? Or did they inherit their wealth? Wow. What an estate!

And of course, your eats make my mouth water! I really wish I could swing a trip down to Florida. Dang CFA getting in the way of all things fun. :/

Miss you guys!

Jamie and Missy said...

Life looks pretty damn good! Is it bad that I'm already looking forward to retirement?