Wednesday, September 28, 2011

There are no certainties in life

Paul and I spent two wonderful weeks in northern Minnesota. We've been home since last Tuesday and have some great pictures to share. I had hoped to do a number of posts by now to help us document and remember our trip.

But, the night we got home we received terrible news. One of our daughter's best friends, Jen, lost her battle with depression that evening. Her funeral was yesterday. Jenny has been a part of our lives since Suzanne's sixth grade year. Looking at the pictures at her visitation and funeral brought back all of the memories of the girls enjoying sleepovers, middle school days, camping trips, high school dances, graduations, and other life stage celebrations. For Jenny, it ended too soon.  My heart hurts so for her parents and brother. And, for her friends.

Grieving is a part of life. It's unavoidable. Our children were very young when they learned that for the first time. The rawness of grief is so painful and observing a loved one in the depths of it is terrible.

I sought advice from our niece, Melissa, last week.  She is such an intelligent, caring person. She has helped Suzanne more than she will every know. I am so thankful.

I told Missy I had hesitated to share the news with my family because I wanted to spare them painful memories. Our family misses Chris every day. She told me that for her, that is the worst thing, to not discuss it. She's right. I continue to learn.

We have our family as an anchor and we can count our blessings for that.

Today is Nick's birthday. Twenty five years ago today our son entered our world. He is a great son and brother.

I am going to bake his birthday cake right now. It will be poppyseed. Same every year. And, tonight we will all be together and we will celebrate.

Hug your loved ones. I will talk to you soon.


Lisa's Yarns said...

My heart hurts for you guys and especially for Suzanne. It is so sad to have lost such a young person. I think back on events in my life that have forever changed me and one that stands out is losing chris. It reminded me that we are never alone and there are so many people who care about you.

Thinking of you all, especially Suzanne.

Marlys said...

Tears well up in my eyes, as we will never forget the experience of losing a loved one this way. I truly believe it is the most painful death there is. My heart goes out to Suzanne and all of their family members.
I'm so glad you had a great trip and we'll be waiting to see the pictures!

Abby said...

My heart is heavy. You guys, Suzanne, and all those close to her friend are in my thoughts and prayers. It is the hardest thing to lose someone that way.